Are you looking for work? Participate in the “Allievi Brescia Trasporti” call and join our team of bus drivers!
The call is aimed not only at young people but also at those who already have a job and would like to change, offering the possibility of having a job even during the training courses, and no longer only at the end of the certification exams.
For those who apply and pass the first selection - based on the evaluation of the CVs and motivational interviews - Brescia Trasporti will fully cover the costs of enrolling in the driving school and obtaining a D license and CQC people, after a training course that will include driving lessons and theoretical and practical courses.
The training course for the profession will therefore be completely free, but that is not the only advantage: during the period of the courses, the Brescia Mobilità Group will hire the candidates on a fixed-term basis, with a 9-month contract that will be part-time so that while attending the lessons, people can still receive a salary.
At the end of the training process and as soon as the D license and CQC people have been obtained, the contract will immediately be transformed into a permanent employment and the activity to be carried out will be exclusively that of driver.
To consult the complete announcement and apply, click here
Contact Info
For more info:
Customer Care Brescia Mobilità Group
Ph. +39 030 3061200 - WhatsApp 342 6566207
[email protected]
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