BiciMia Bike Sharing

BiciMia Bike Sharing

BiciMia Bike Sharing

Bicimia is an innovative bike sharing system dedicated to all citizens, commuters and tourists who want to move around Brescia on bicycles in a simple and sustainable way. 

How it works

BiciMia - station

To use Bicimia all you need is the Park&Bike Card to pick up and return the bike in one of the 95 Bicimia stations in the city, thus enabling rapid and flexible use.

A simple swipe of the contactless card over the station will unlock a bicycle for use. To return the bicycle just take it to a station and lock it into a free location.

Thanks to the latest upgrade, it is now possible to use Bicimia also via Bresciapp! which allows you to subscribe and use your subscription

Remember to always:

  • Obey the rules of the road
  • Not carry any passengers
  • Wear a helmet
  • Lock the bike if it's left somewhere besides a Bicimia station

BicinaMia is the free bike sharing service for all children aged between 5 and 12 years, an effort by Brescia Mobilità Group to dedicate an entire service on two wheels to kids.

BicinaMia is a service reserved to all BiciMia users.
Accompanied by an adult, children between 5 and 12 years old will be able to ride through the city on bicycles suitable for their height, wearing a safety helmet delivered at the time of rental.

To use BicinaMia just visit:

  • Bike Point Brescia at Largo Formentone
  • Infopoint Turismo e Mobilità at Via Trieste 1 open from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 7 pm; Saturday and Sunday from 9 am to 5 pm.  

For more information download the flyer

Location Address Stalls Busy
Sorbanella Via Sorbanella 6 5
Urago Mella Via Risorgimento 10 5
Casazza Via Casazza 10 8
Don Pinzoni via Don Pinzoni 6 4
Nicolini via Giuseppe Nicolini 10 6
Garzetta viale Garzetta 12 12
Villa Glori via Villa Glori 6 5
Caionvico via Mascheda 85 7 5
Chiesanuova Via Fura, 84 8 3
Via Sostegno Via Sostegno 12 5
Via Scuole Via delle Scuole n.a. n.a.
I Maggio Via Passo Aprica n.a. n.a.
Buffalora Via Buffalora 8 2
Folzano Via Malta n.a. n.a.
Fornaci Via fornaci n.a. n.a.
Polivalente (Via Collebeato) Via Collebeato 9 6
Nino Bixio Via Nino Bixio 0 0
Corso Martiri Corso Martiri della Libertà 0 0
Villaggio Sereno Via IX angolo via XXII, Villaggio Sereno 10 5
Parco Castelli Via Resolino angolo via S. Antonio 10 3
Tovini Prealpino Via Giuseppe Tovini (vill. Prealpino) 9 5
S.Anna Via Luigi Bazoli 10 4
S.Eufemia Viale della Rimembranza 10 4
Parco Ducos 2 Vicino alla Nave di Harlock 9 7
Corsica Via Corsica 10 6
S.Bartolomeo Via Tirandi / Via delle Gabbiane 10 6
Caduti del Lavoro Via Caduti del lavoro 10 6
Zooprofilattico Via Cremona / Via Bianchi 10 10
S.Eufemia-Buffalora Via Agostino Chiappa, fermata Metro 10 5
San Polino Via Bazoli, fermata Metro 10 3
S.Polo Cimabue Via Cimabue, fermata Metro 10 4
S.Polo Park 2 Via Raffaello, San Polo Parco presso fermata Metro 7 0
S.Polo Park 1 Via Raffaello, San Polo Parco presso fermata Metro 7 4
Poliambulanza Via Bissolati, fermata Metro 9 7
Volta Rotonda Via Volta - Via Lamarmora, fermata Metro 11 8
Brescia 2 Via cefalonia, fermata Metro 10 3
FF.SS.- Metro Viale della Stazione, fermata Metro 12 4
Marconi Via Marconi, fermata Metro 12 3
Spedali Civili-Metro Piazzale Spedali Civili, fermata Metro 10 6
Europa Viale Europa, fermata Metro 14 12
Mompiano-Metro Piazzale Vivanti, fermata Metro 10 7
Casazza Via Triumplina, fermata Metro (presso complesso Futura) 10 2
Prealpino Via Triumplina, fermata Metro 10 8
Galilei Via Galileo Galilei 10 0
S.Donino Via San Donino angolo via Gamba 11 9
Borgo Trento Via Trento 8 5
Violino Via Re rotari, villaggio Violino 6 4
Vallecamonica via Vallecamonica 9 2
Badia Via Del Santellone 9 5
Don Bosco Via San Giovanni Bosco 9 5
Branze Via Branze 8 8
Duca Abruzzi Via Duca Degli Abruzzi 17 5
Milano Via Milano 10 6
Golgi Piazzale Golgi 7 4
Kennedy Brescia Due 10 4
Cremona Via Cremona 7 3
Questura via S.Polo 10 7
Lamarmora Via Lamarmora 10 8
Wuhrer Borgo Wuhrer, viale Bornata 9 4
Piave Viale Piave 12 2
Veneto Via Veneto 11 7
Mompiano Via Ambaraga 6 1
Chiusure Via Chiusure 10 4
Ospedali Civili Piazzale Ospedali Civili 10 10
Satellite Piazza san Padre Pio 22 15
Dalmazia Via Dalmazia 8 6
Iveco Iveco, via Volturno 11 6
Castellini Parcheggio Castellini, via Mantova 14 6
San Domenico San Domenico, via Gramsci angolo via Moretto 10 3
Pallata Via Mameli incr. Via delle Battaglie 7 6
Rovetta Largo Formentone 11 2
Duomo Piazza Duomo 14 5
Vittoria Piazza Vittoria 18 16
Zanardelli Corso Zanardelli 18 6
Cavour Corso Cavour 9 7
San Faustino Via San Faustino 12 7
Magenta Magenta - Piazza Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli 8 0
Tebaldo Brusato Piazza Tebaldo Brusato 7 2
Arnaldo Piazzale Arnaldo 8 2
Spalto San Marco Via Spalto San Marco 8 2
Autosilo Via XX Settembre 10 2
Palagiustizia Palagiustizia, via L. Gambara 10 10
Gramsci Via Gramsci 8 2
Stazione Piazzale Stazione FS 25 15
Repubblica P.le Repubblica 9 9
Cairoli Via Cairoli 6 1
Garibaldi Piazza Garibaldi 11 8
Randaccio Randaccio, via Tartaglia 6 5
Da Vinci Via Leonardo Da Vinci 12 6
Fossa Bagni Via Lombroso, parcheggio Fossa Bagni 14 9

You can sign up and request the Park&Bike Card by presenting a valid ID and paying a small security fee at one of the authorised points of sale ( Infopoint for Tourism and Mobility in Via Trieste 1, Viale della Stazione 47 and Via San Bartolomeo 23).

For minors aged between 14 and 17 it is possible to apply for the card by presenting:

  • A valid ID
  • A copy of a valid ID of the parent/guardian who will sign the contract form
  • A small security fee

To register it is necessary to sign the service agreement contract. If the user is a minor then the form must also be signed by the parent/guardian.

Each member is given a personal padlock to lock the hired bike if outside the Bicimia station.


Participation Agreement for adults
Participation Agreement for minors
Privacy Policy

  • Up to 45 min. - Free
  • From 45 min to 2 h - €1.00
  • From 2 h to 3 h - €2.00
  • Over 3 h - €5.00

It is possible to exceed the 3 hours of continuous use of the same bicycle for a maximum of 3 times per month Once this limit is exceeded, the card is blocked and you cannot use the service again until the first day of the next calendar month. To unblock the card it is necessary to go to one of the points noted above, pay any money owed and ask the operator to unblock the card.

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