Thanks to the synergies between the Brescia Mobilità Group, the Municipality of Brescia and Brescia Tourism, an integrated system of tourism and mobility InfoPoints has been created with the aim of making the city more attractive to tourists and more accessible to all citizens of Brescia.
The InfoPoints for Tourism and Mobility in Via Trieste 1, Viale della Stazione 47 and Via San Bartolomeo 23 will offer the possibility to buy all the products linked to mobility (Omnibus Card, public transport, bike sharing, car sharing, parking), the Brescia Card Museums & Mobility, tickets for exhibitions and events, gadgets, as well as a multilingual information and assistance service covering both the city's mobility services and how to best get to know and experience Brescia.
At our InfoPoint, it will also be possible to buy tickets for events belonging to the VivaTicket circuit.
At the InfoPoints for Tourism and Mobility, it will be possible to buy nice gadgets of the Brescia Mobilità Group, all bearing the Infopoint logo. Original Mille Miglia and Brescia Musei Foundation products, the editorial products of the Grafo and Massetti publishers – with guides and books dedicated to the city of Brescia – and magnets depicting the monuments of Brescia and the Mille Miglia produced by Mira Brixia will also be available.
The Infopoint for Tourism and Mobility in Via Trieste 1 will be open from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 7 pm and on Saturdays and Sundays from 9 am to 5 pm. Tourist information can be obtained by calling 030 3061266.
The Tourism and Mobility Infopoint in Viale Stazione 47 will be open from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 7 pm and on Saturdays from 9 am to 5 pm, except on public holidays. Tourist information can be obtained by calling 030 3061240.
The Tourism and Mobility Infopoint in Via San Bartolomeo 23 will be open from Monday to Friday from 7.30 am to 3 pm.
For information on tourism and events in the city, you can also send a message to the dedicated WhatsApp number 342 6058111.
In connection with events and exhibitions, the opening hours of the InfoPoints will be extended in order to offer a comprehensive service at all times.
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