e-Automia is the new fully electric city car sharing service consisting of a fleet of 20 city cars (Renault model Zoe) that can be picked up and dropped off at 19 stations in the city (a total of 38 parking spaces).
The new service offers multiple advantages: the possibility of accessing the ZTL and parking free of charge on the blue lines, and the possibility of returning the car to a different parking space from the one from which it was picked up.
All city stations are made easily recognisable by both horizontal and vertical signs, on which the main information is indicated.
The service is managed and implemented by E-VAI for Brescia Mobilità.
For more information click here
Toll-free number: +39 02 40701 700 (available 24/7)
Mail: [email protected]
Sanpolino - Via Foresti | 2 |
Via Branze - Ingegneria | 2 |
Via Cantore | 2 |
Ospedale Nord - Medicina | 2 |
Villaggio Sereno - Traversa Decima | 2 |
Via San Zeno, 200 | 2 |
Via Sostegno, 50 | 4 |
Viale della Stazione | 2 |
Largo Torrelunga, 3 | 2 |
Piazzale Cesare Battisti, 9 | 2 |
Bresciadue - Via Malta | 2 |
Via Nicolò Tartaglia | 2 |
Piazzale Camillo Golgi | 2 |
Via Carolina Bevilacqua, 9 | 2 |
Via Porcellaga, 28 | 1 |
Stazione Metro Sant'Eufemia-Buffalora | 1 |
Via Triumplina - Metro Prealpino | 2 |
San Filippo - Via Bazoli | 2 |
Poliambulanza - Via Bianchini | 2 |
- Register via the E-VAI app or the www.e-vai.com website
- Choose your starting point and book your car (even well in advance)
- Travel without limits with electric recharging always included!
Hourly rate: 7.20€ (minimum rental 2 hours)
Daily rate: 29€ (+0.19€/km with 30 km included per day)
Electric recharging is always included.
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