Feedback Mechanism
Feedback Mechanism
Our desire is to make our site increasingly accessible, ensuring as many people as possible can use it, regardless of the operating system and navigation tools they are using.
For us, accessibility also and above all means a significant, ongoing focus on the needs of people with disabilities, as the chance of easy access to information leads to the opportunity to use our services.
With a view to constant improvement, therefore, we want to reach and maintain this goal over time, and to do so we are constantly committed to technical and “human” checks, also asking for the collaboration of our users, whom we invite to report any problems or opportunities for improvement.
We therefore provide an e-mail address [email protected]t to which reports relating to any defects in the IT systems - not only the website but also our BresciApp! app - can be sent, in compliance with the general principles for accessibility provided for by Article 3-bis of the Italian Law of 9 January 2004, no. 4 (“Provisions to facilitate and simplify the access of users and, in particular, of people with disabilities to IT tools”) et seq. and the requirements of the “Guidelines on the accessibility of IT tools” adopted by AgID on 23 July 2020, along with any suggestions aimed at improving accessibility.
The reports received will be sent to and analysed by the Digital Transition Manager. All reports will receive an adequate response.
Responses to reports are handled within 30 days by our accessibility contacts, who will explain when and how the request will be dealt with depending on the complexity of the problem identified.
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