Digital Payments
Digital Payments
Brescia Mobilità offers customers innovative digital systems for paying for parking, and, in addition to the "Easy Park" system that has been operating for some time, has stipulated further agreements with companies that manage parking payments through apps for iOS and Android. In all cases users are required to display the stickers provided by the operator.
In order to obtain the city residents discount of 50% on the hourly fare, select the option “resident” when registering for the Park City Card
Drop Ticket By purchasing "Parking Packages" available from 5, 10 and 20 euros, you only pay the actual minutes parked thanks to the Start and Stop that allows you to start parking when you leave the car - specifying the number plate of your vehicle - and stop it as soon as you leave the space. For more information: www.dropticket.it
Telepass Pay The service allows you to charge only the actual minutes parked directly to your Telepass account, and can be used simply through the app without having to have a Telepass device.
For more information: www.telepass.it
Easy Park Allows customers to check and extend the car's parking time regardless of where they are, avoiding overpayments and fines.
Easy Park offers EasyPark Small, a "pay-as-you-go" solution that has a fixed fee for use ranging from € 0 to € 0.39 based on the parking area, or EasyPark Large thanks to which you can use the service without limits by paying only a fixed monthly fee of € 2.99.
For more information: www.easyparkitalia.it or call 08 992 60 100.
MooneyGo Once you have found a parking space, simply select the area you're in (using GPS or an identification number) and start the clock, indicating how long you expect to remain parked there. If you need more time than expected, you can extend the duration directly through the app without having to go back to your vehicle, and in the end you will be asked to pay only for the actual minutes used.
We inform our customers that as of Tuesday, 1 May 2018 it is no longer possible to use the Neos Park service in the city of Brescia.
To request a refund of any remaining amount go to the Tourism and Mobility Infopoint at Via Trieste 1 (open every day, including holidays, from 9 am to 7 pm) where we will refund the device's balance in cash, resetting it to zero.
Users who return the device will receive a refund equal to € 15, which will be paid in cash. Remember that the device can be used in the municipalities that are part of the Neos Park circuit.
From Monday 15 September the new Brescia parking plan has come into, with the aim ofencouraging the use free subway park-and-ride, to simplify the tariff system of parking meters andcar parks ( reduced to 3 rate areas only ) and make parking meter rates and car park fees more consistent.
Learn more about parking plan modifications.
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