Brescia Trasporti
Brescia Trasporti
Brescia Trasporti S.p.A. has been operating since 29 June 2001, following the unbundling of public transport activities from ASM BRESCIA S.p.A.
On 28 December 2001 Brescia Trasporti became a member of BRESCIA MOBILITA' Group S.p.A.
In December 2003 Brescia Trasporti won the tender called by the City of Brescia for the management of local public transport, and, since July 2004, manages the mobility services of the city of Brescia and 14 surrounding municipalities according to the seven-year service agreement signed in 2004 by the City of Brescia and ATI - Associazione Temporanea di Imprese, composed of parent company Brescia Trasporti S.p.A., SIA - Società Italiana Autoservizi S.p.A., AGI - Auto Guidovie Italiane S.p.A.
In April 2012 Brescia Trasporti also won the urban public transport service of the city of Desenzano del Garda.
Thanks to the fundamental contribution of Brescia Trasporti, from the first horse tram in 1882 to today Brescia has been the scene of major technological innovations and new forms of alternative and sustainable mobility.
With its century of experience, Brescia Trasporti maintains its objective of ensuring competitive and cutting-edge quality service, allowing the city of Brescia to emerge and play a pivotal role in the nation.
Brescia Trasporti has earned certification of the following management systems:
- Quality - according to standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2008
- Environment - according to standard UNI EN ISO 14001:2004
- Worker health and safety - according to standard OHSAS 18001:2007
Brescia Trasporti S.p.A.
Via S. Donino, 30 / 25128 Brescia (BS)
t. +39 030.3061.600
Customer Care +39 030.306.1200
[email protected]
Certified email: [email protected]
Single member company - Share capital €11,628,000.00 fully invested
Register of Brescia Companies
REA no. BS-411498
Tax Code 03513620173
Company subject to management and coordination of Brescia Mobilità S.p.A.
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