The public transport service in Brescia is divided into two fare zones:
- Zone 1 which includes the territory of the Municipality of Brescia and the entire metro route.
- Zone 2 which includes the territories of the municipalities of Concesio, Bovezzo, Caino, Nave, Gussago, Collebeato, Cellatica, Roncadelle, Castelmella, Flero, Borgosatollo, Poncarale, Rezzato and Botticino.
Tickets for public transport in Brescia are divided into magnetic (paper with magnetic stripe) and electronic (loadable onto cards). In order to subscribe to a season ticket, you need to have an electronic card.
The electronic card
As of 1 January 2024, those who buy a season ticket for buses and the metro must have an electronic card, a contactless card, personal and not transferable, which allows the loading of any kind of pass or carnet.
It can be ordered online with home delivery at the cost of 3€ or at the Tourism and Mobility Infopoint in Via Trieste 1, Viale della Stazione 47 and Via San Bartolomeo 23.
The electronic card has a cost of 5€ and is valid for 5 years from the day of its issue. On the expiry date, it is necessary to go to one of the Infopoints for replacement and potential transfer of the remaining tickets onto a new card.
Click here for ticket and travel passes prices
Click here for more information on public transport deductions.
Click here for the electronic card application form
Click here for the privacy form
Click here for Infopoints opening hours
All travel passes run from the first day of the month. If taken out by the 15th of the month, the pass is valid from the 1st day of the current month; after the 16th, the pass is valid from the 1st day of the following month.
ZONE 1 |
ZONE 2 |
ZONE 1+2 |
Monthly pass |
€ 39.00 |
€ 39.00 |
€ 58.00 |
Monthly pass line 18 |
€ 14.00 |
Bi-monthly pass |
€ 78.00 |
€ 78.00 |
€ 116.00 |
Quarterly pass |
€ 107.00 |
€ 107.00 |
€ 165.00 |
Half-Yearly pass |
€ 199.00 |
€ 199.00 |
€ 313.00 |
Annual pass |
€ 299.00 |
€ 299.00 |
€ 450.00 |
Impersonal (Usable by the bearer) |
Monthly pass |
€ 53.00 |
Annual pass |
€ 530.00 |
The annual workers' pass can be purchased in a single payment or in two instalments of half the total amount.
Instalments are only available online or at the Tourism and Mobility Info Points as follows:
- the first instalment is valid 4 months from the date of purchase;
- the second instalment is valid for the 8 months following and consecutive to the expiry of the first instalment and can be purchased online in the 15 days preceding the expiry of the validity of the first instalment or at the Info Points in the 15 days preceding and following the expiry of the validity of the first instalment.
Click here to access the online shop
Click here for Info Points opening hours
The annual student pass will be available online and at the Tourism and Mobility Info Points from 26 August 2024.
ZONE 1 +2 |
€ 275.00 |
€ 425.00 |
The pass can be purchased in a single payment or in two instalments equal to half of the total amount.
Instalments are available as follows:
- the first instalment will be valid 1 September 2024 - 31 December 2024 and can be purchased at Info Points, authorised retailers and online;
- the second instalment will be valid from 1 January 2025 - 31 August 2025 and will be available online from 1 December 2024 until 31 December 2024, and will be available at Info Points from 1 December 2024 until 28 February 2025.
Click here to access the online shop
Click here for Info Points opening hours
Also for the 2024/2025 academic year, all university students enrolled at an University based in Brescia (University of Brescia, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – campus of Brescia, Academy of Fine Arts “Santa Giulia”, LABA – Academy of Fine Arts of Brescia, Music Conservatory “Luca Marenzio” and CIELS Campus) can purchase the annual season ticket at half price.
To travel inside Zone 1 (within the city of Brescia), the cost is €140 instead of €275, while in order to travel within Zone 1+2 (covering Brescia and the 14 surrounding municipalities), the cost is €215 instead of €425.
Each student can also choose the start date of their subscription’s validity: the pass can in fact be valid from 1 September, 1 October, 1 November or 1 December.
The season ticket can be easily purchased from home through the online shop or at the Gruppo Mobilità InfoPoints by submitting the required documentation. The electronic card for new subscribers can also be requested directly online with the possibility of opting for home delivery.
For students who occasionally use public transport services, packages at a discounted price of 50 rides (valid for 3 months or 6 months) or 100 rides (valid for 9 months) are also available, allowing them to travel in Zone 1 or Zone 1+2.
For the opening hours of the InfoPoints, click here
Students attending primary or secondary school can travel on the home-school route using both buses and the metro with the special Annual Schoolchildren's Pass valid for 4 rides per day on school days only. Validation is compulsory for each journey made.
The Annual Schoolchildren's Pass will be available online and at the Tourism and Mobility Info Points from 26 August 2024.
ZONE 1 +2 |
€ 151.00 |
€ 227.00 |
Click here to access the online shop
Click here for Info Points opening hours
Children under one metre tall travel free of charge when accompanied by a passenger holding a ticket or travel pass.
Family discounts
- 2 travel passes 10% discount
- 3 travel passes 15% discount
- 4 travel passes 20% discount
- 5 travel passes 40% discount
The discount applies with the simultaneous purchase of travel passes for members of the same household.
The discount is applied to passes with the same validity and start date and cannot be applied to passes that have already been discounted.
You can request the Family Discount through the online shop or at the Group's Info Points.
Click here to access the online shop
Click here for Info Points opening hours
ZONE 1 +2 |
Reduced Monthly pass |
€ 23.00 |
€ 35.00 |
Reduced Bi-monthly pass |
€ 46.00 |
€ 70.00 |
Reduced Quarterly pass |
€ 65.00 |
€ 100.00 |
Reduced Half-yearly pass |
€ 120.00 |
€ 180.00 |
Reduced Annual pass |
€ 190.00 |
€ 290.00 |
Over60 passes can be used without limit every day and at all times, except from 7.30 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. from Monday to Friday, when they can be used up to a maximum of 4 rides per month.
They can be purchased at the Tourism and Mobility Info Points in Via Trieste 1, Viale della Stazione 47 and Via San Bartolomeo 23/C.
ZONE 1 |
ZONE 2 |
ZONE 1+2 |
Ordinary ticket 90 minutes |
€1.70 |
€1.70 |
Ordinary ticket 100 minutes |
€2.20 |
Day ticket 24h |
€3.80 |
€5.00 |
Weekly ticket Mon-Sun |
€14.00 |
€14.00 |
€18.00 |
10 rides 90 minutes |
€15.00 |
€15.00 |
10 rides 100 minutes |
€20.00 |
12 special |
€16.00 |
You must always validate your ticket when boarding the bus and before crossing the red strip on the floor inside metro stations using the validators provided. In the event of malfunctioning validators or other temporary problems, manual validation is permitted, writing the date and time in pen.
Each journey must end within the period of validity of the ticket, calculated from the first validation made: if the journey ends after the end of the ticket's validity, another ticket must be validated; otherwise, you are liable to a fine. The end time of validity can be checked by placing the ticket against the validators.
You can also purchase your ticket valid for 100 minutes for zone 1+2 on the bus for EUR 2.50 (we recommend boarding with your money already counted.
Tickets can be purchased via Bresciapp! (ordinary ticket for zone 1 and zone 1+2, day ticket for zone 1 and zone 1+2), at the Tourism and Mobility Infopoints in Via Trieste 1, Viale della Stazione 47 and Via San Bartolomeo 23/C, at the automatic ticket machines in all metro stations, at authorised points of sale and through the DropTicket and MooneyGo apps.
In case of purchase through Bresciapp!, please note that the ticket cannot be passed on and/or transferred to other mobile devices.
Click here for Info Points opening hours
It is also possible to purchase tickets with a contactless card directly on board buses or inside metro stations thanks to the contactless credit or debit card purchase system Viaggia con un Beep.
You can check your purchases by registering at the following link
For clarification on how to use the service, consult the FAQs
The round-trip school ticket, reserved for school groups or large groups of young people and children (e.g. grests and scouts), allows two journeys to be made during the day.
It can be purchased from the Brescia Trasporti offices in Via San Donino 30 (Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.) at the cost and with the characteristics of a one-way ticket for the relevant zone.
Please note that the request must be made on headed notepaper.
For companies with Mobility Managers there are several discounts, for details of which please write to [email protected].
With Inpiù integrated travel passes (tickets and season tickets), it is possible to travel on suburban transport and the entire urban network (bus and metro limited to Zone 1) with just one ticket.
For further information, click here
Following the amendments to Regional Law no. 6/2012 on local public transport, from Tuesday 4 February 2014 also in Brescia the new fees for administrative fines for public transport users travelling without a valid ticket came into force.
The new provisions have been incorporated into the General Conditions of Transport approved with a special resolution by the Municipal Council. In compliance with the provisions of the Lombardy Region, the values of the sanctions applied to ticket violations will be as follows:
- full sanction (equal to 100 times the cost of the ordinary ticket) €170.00.
- sanction reduced to one third and further reduced to 30% if payment is made within 5 days of the objection: €39.00.
- sanction reduced to one third plus the costs of the proceedings if payment is made after 5 days but within 60 days from the date of contestation: €71.00 (56.00 + 15.00).
- full sanction increased by the costs of proceedings if payment is made after 60 days from the date of contestation: €200.00 (170.00 + 30.00).
- users who do not have their subscription with them at the time the sanction is imposed, but subsequently prove that they are subscribers, are required to pay €7.50 for administrative costs.
Methods of payment
It is possible to regularise the payment of fines:
- at the Tourism and Mobility Infopoint in Via San Bartolomeo 23 (open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.);
- by postal order on current account no. 11796257;
- by bank transfer made out to Brescia Trasporti SpA IBAN: IT 53 B 05387 11224 000042697011. The reason for payment must indicate the number of the report and the name of the sanctioned person.
In the event of a forgotten subscription
if the season ticket has been issued by Brescia Trasporti, its actual possession is verified at the time of the check and the €7.50 administrative fee can be paid in cash at the time of the sanction payment or within 5 days by postal order;
if the season ticket has not been issued by Brescia Trasporti, the user must present himself within 5 days of the issue of the fine at the Tourism and Mobility Infopoint in Via San Bartolomeo 23 (open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) proving that the user is regularly in possession of the ticket, and the fine is reduced to €7.50 by way of administrative fee.
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